Globe Arts Studio / Events / Sun 24 Apr 2022
April Life Drawing - Non Tutored

Sunday non tutored life drawing session.
This is an expressive session that will add stretch and challenge to your drawing language. All abilities and levels are welcome.
This session is non tutored, however one of our Globee’s will be in the room to offer help if required.
Basic drawing materials and paper will be supplied.
Short breaks throughout the session for the life model, and refreshments.
2 hour session, £15.
For more information visit https://bookwhen.com/globeartseducation/e/ev-ssi2-20220424110000
Event Location
globe arts studio
create space
new street
Telephone: 01484 842 887
Email: info@globearts.org.uk
Website: https://bookwhen.com/globeartseducation/e/ev-ssi2-20220424110000