Spacex / Events / Mon 06 to Fri 10 Aug 2012 (5 days)

Bronze (Arts Award) in a week

This summer we have teamed up with Exeter Phoenix to offer young people the opportunity to gain the Bronze Arts Award, a recognised qualification in the Arts.

We have programmed an exciting week of activities led by artists and creative professionals. The group will explore Exeter’s arts venues, share interests, learn new skills and build their portfolios.

Monday 6–Friday 10 August, 8.30am–5.30pm, £150*, ages 11–16, booking essential with £30 deposit

* You can apply for funding to help with the cost of completing Arts Awards. To find out more or to request a schedule of activities for the week, contact

For more information visit

Event Location


45 Preston Street, Exeter, EX1 1DF

Telephone: 01392 431 786