Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 12 Mar 2018

BT Infinity Awards

BT Infinity Awards

BT’s Infinity Lab Programme which engages with business start-ups and encourages innovation has launched its BT Infinity Awards. This year’s BT Infinity Awards, in partnership with the Cabinet Office and TechHub, are looking to find the best digital talent in machine learning, robotics and artificial intelligence. The Awards programme is looking to support small companies with big ideas that can be turned into real life solutions across the public, defence or retail sectors. There are three prizes of £10,000, plus six months business support to help start-ups develop their idea and drive it to the next level.

Applicants should complete the entry form and send a short video about their solution, saying how it can be applied to one of the three categories. The closing date for applications is the 12th March 2018. Read more below.

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