Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 31 Mar 2016

Morrison’s Foundation Charitable Grants

Morrison’s Foundation Charitable Grants

Charities registered in the UK can apply for grants from the newly established Morrison’s Foundation. The Foundation is looking to award approximately £2 million a year for community projects that improve people's lives.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and there is no specific grant amount that can be applied for but applicants must demonstrate how the project will deliver public benefit, who in the community will specifically benefit and how it will bring about positive change. Applicants must also have financial information dating back to 2012 and have raised some of the funding elsewhere.

The Foundation has already given out a number of grants, including one in the region of £20,000 to a project in Scotland that works on youth employment in the fishing industry, yet to be formally launched, and £5,000 for a project run by Bolton Dementia Support.

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