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Elisabeth Hadley

Elisabeth Hadley

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Elisabeth in her studio

Elisabeth in her studio

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Elisabeth with life size figure

Elisabeth with life size figure

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elvis artwork

elvis artwork

selling at £10 digtial artwork..Read more

Emerald for Big Cartel

Emerald for Big Cartel

Emerald is an extremely stylish and modern, flat UI website design template for use on Big Cartel stores. Features: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Fully Responsive Unlimited Colors and Advanced Customization Font Awesome .....Read more



“We're each of us our own chiaroscuro, our own bit of illusion fighting to emerge into something solid, something real." (Libba Bray) Chiaroscuro upon a small part of the rapids on the River Aune, between Shipley B.....Read more

Energy Dots

Energy Dots

If you want a simple, affordable, effective solution to improve sleep, energy and performance energydots are for you. We are surrounded by electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) from our phones, computers, tablets, and the ev.....Read more

Engagement Hub 2

Engagement Hub 2

Exeter Engagement Hub was a project to develop Watt Taylor House in Exeter, the Current home of Exeter CVS, into and integrated Health and Wellbeing Hub for people with complex Needs. The aim of the project, supported b.....Read more

Enid's Woods

Enid's Woods

These are the woods my Mum walks her dog in every morning, at the moment covered in a blanket of snow...Read more

Ephemeral Journey

Ephemeral Journey

"Held ephemerally by the heart of sky In suspended attraction to the wooing of earth..." (from the Magnitude of Existence by Olivia Chumacero) Transient light illuminates the view from the western shore of Wem.....Read more

Epic Motorbike Fundraising trip for Tibetan Child Aid

Epic Motorbike Fundraising trip for Tibetan Child Aid

Long-haul Motorbike Fundraising trip by supporters of Tibetan Child Aid in February 2012. The children shown are at the Siddhartha School in Nepal managed by Tibetan Child Aid, a SouthWest charity. Karen from Eyeball M.....Read more



The place, as viewed from over the road...Read more

Epicentre from Below

Epicentre from Below

You'll know you're there when you see this sign...Read more

Etched glass pattern

Etched glass pattern

Dual toughened glass door panels with etched glass pattern GEP 12 from more

Etched glass replication

Etched glass replication

Etched glass replication on toughened glass...Read more

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